Zvanična statistika
High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics. Modernisation Projects.. 2020 Projects have started, update will follow soon 2020 Modernisation Projects
U susret popisu u SAD: Who is No. 1? Whoever gets to fill out 2020 Census form.
It’s a question spouses, domestic partners and roommates are going to be forced to confront in the next few weeks as they fill out their 2020 Census forms: Who gets to be the primary person in the household?
Everyone else who lives in the home has to be identified on the form by how they are related to so-called “Person 1.” It’s a question that even the most egalitarian homes are going to have to figure out — though it’s sure to spark some intriguing conversations.
Kako Englezi koriste statistiku visokog obrazovanja – Oxford Brookes doing worse than University of Oxford on state school admissions
UK’s 2021 census could be the last, statistics chief reveals
Italy Is Facing the Worst Demographic Crisis Since World War I
US Forecasts for annual gross domestic product growth

Census 2021: Eight things you need to know – BBC News
Analysis of the Kenya 2019 Census using R Shiny.
Iako ne postoji predmet pod ovim nazivom, smatramo da je oblast zvanične statistike toliko važna, da je opravdano dobila posebno mesto u meniju.
Popisi; istorijat statistike; metodologije i uputstva; publikacije; aktuelnosti; analize, zanimljivosti…
The end of inflation? – Inflation is losing its meaning as an economic indicator | Special report | The Economist – Oct 10th 2019
Dva veka razvoja Srbije – statistički pregled, Republički zavod za statistiku Srbije, Beograd, 2008
Jedan pogled na istoriju statistike…
Watson, J. V. (2001). A Brief History of Numbers and Statistics With Cytometric Applications. Cytometry (Communications in Clinical Cytometry) 46: 1–22
Frank, T. (1924). Roman Census Statistics from 225 to 28 B. C., Classical Philology, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Oct., 1924), pp. 329-341, The University of Chicago Press
Saskia Hin (2007). Counting Romans, Version 1.0, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Leiden University and Stanford University
Probability and Statistics throughout the centuries
Servet MUTLU (2003). Late Ottoman population and its ethnic distribution, Nüfusbilim Dergisi\Turkish Journal of Population Studies, 2003, 25, 3-38
Stanford J. Shaw. (1978) The Ottoman Census System and Population, 1831-1914, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 325-338, Cambridge University Press
Metodologije i uputstva
Guidelines on Population Registration (2009). OSCE/ODIHR, Warsaw
Michel Poulain, Anne Herm, Translated by Roger Depledge. (2013) Central population registers as a source of demographic statistics in Europe, Population, 2013/2 Vol. 68, pages 183 – 212