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24/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

24/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

Weekly global economic update. Delloite, July 2020

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CHINA’S economy grew strongly in the second quarter—after having fallen at the fastest pace on record in the first quarter, real GDP grew at the fastest pace on record in the second quarter. Despite increasing tensions between the United States and China, US companies continue to demonstrate interest in China. In the first six months of this year, Southeast Asia became the biggest trading partner with China, surpassing the EU.

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The US housing market is showing considerable signs of strength even as some other parts of the economy remain suppressed.

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The Eurozone is in the midst of a strong recovery fueled by consumer spending. The EU reports that retail sales rebounded strongly in May, growing at the fastest pace on record and hitting a level only slightly lower than a year earlier. Recall that it was in May that European governments began to lift economic restrictions following successful suppression of the virus. Specifically, retail sales in the Eurozone were up 17.8% in May versus the previous month, following a decline of 10.6% in March and 12.1% in April. The result was that, in May, sales were 5.1% below a year earlier. The biggest increase was in textiles, clothing, and footwear with sales up 147% from April to May but still down 50.5% from a year earlier. Sales gains were also strong for furniture and electric goods (up 37.9% for the month, but down 14.3% from a year earlier) and computer equipment (up 26.8% for the month but down 26.6% from a year earlier). Non-store retailing continued to gain market share, with sales rising 7.0% from the previous month and up 31.2% from a year earlier.

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Raste interesovanje za hibridne i električne automobile u Srbiji.  Prema podacima koje je sajt Polovni automobili dobio od Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova, u Srbiji su ukupno registrovana 102 putnička vozila na električni pogon, a tu je i 1.416 registrovanih hibridnih putničkih vozila. Da je među našim vozačima sve veće interesovanje za automobile na ove dve vrste pogona, a pogotovo za hibridne automobile, govori nam i podatak da je samo tokom ove godine taj broj uvećan za više od 50 odsto.

Od ukupnog broja registrovanih hibridnih automobila, čak 564 je prvi put registrovano u prvih šest meseci 2020, odnosno kupljeni su u tom periodu. Kad je reč o električnim automobilima, prvi put je registrovano 16 vozila na ovaj pogon.

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Tesla Prepares for Hiring Boom as Elon Musk Targets Manufacturing Expansion. Elon Musk’s plan to build Tesla Inc.’s fourth vehicle assembly factory represents the next phase in his effort to reshape the auto maker to rapidly increase the number of electric cars it can sell each year as it races to compete with global rivals.


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23/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

23/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

Operateri u Rusiji usprotivili su se lansiranju 5G na domaćoj opremi. 18. juna 2020. godine postalo je poznato da se Radna grupa za razvoj digitalne ekonomije (Цифровая экономика), u kojoj su zastupljeni telekom operateri, nije složila sa predlogom Ministarstva za telekomunikacije i masovne komunikacije o izgradnji 5G mreža isključivo na ruskoj opremi, prenosi Komersant (Коммерсантъ) pozivajući se na zapisnik sa sastanka grupe. Prilikom glasanja o amandmanu, mišljenja članova radne grupe, koja uključuje predstavnike privrede i vlade, bila su podeljena. Kao rezultat toga, konačna odluka je ostala na čelnici grupe, predsednici Udruženje učesnika na tržištu velikih podataka (Big Data), (Ассоциация участников рынка больших данных) Ani Serebrijanikovoj, koja se usprotivila ovom predlogu.

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Sea Machines raises $15 million for autonomous ship navigation.

Autonomous vessel software and systems provider Sea Machines Robotics today closed a $15 million funding round to accelerate deployment of its technologies in the unmanned naval boat and ship market. Sea Machines boldly claims this is one of the largest rounds for a tech company tackling marine and maritime use cases.

Self-steering vessels aren’t a new idea — but they are gaining steam. Earlier this year, IBM and Promare — a U.K.-based marine research and exploration charity — trialed a prototype of an AI-powered maritime navigation system ahead of a September 6th venture to send a ship across the Atlantic Ocean. In Norway, a crewless cargo ship called the Yara Birkeland is expected to go into commercial operation later in 2020. And Rolls-Royce previously demonstrated a fully autonomous passenger ferry in Finland and announced a partnership with Intel as part of a plan to bring self-guided cargo ships to seas by 2025.


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20/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

20/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

Germany developing legislation to be first to commercialize Level 4 autonomous vehicles. Despite coming down hard on Tesla’s self-driving tech last week, Germany is looking to lead Europe in self-driving cars and is reportedly working on a broad framework to regulate Level 4 autonomous vehicles to do so. According to a report by Automotive News Europe (ANE), the framework is currently being reviewed by the transportation ministry and other government departments. All being well, the legislation could be ready for next summer.

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17/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

17/07/2020 – Preporuka za danas

The great acceleration. McKinsey, July 2020. The fault lines between industries and business models that we understood intellectually before the COVID-19 crisis have now become giant fissures, separating the old reality from the new one. Just as an earthquake produces a sudden release of pent-up force, the economic shock set off by the pandemic has accelerated and intensified trends that were already underway. The result is a dramatic widening of the gap between those at the top and the bottom of the power curve of economic profit —the winners and losers in the global corporate-performance race.

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