Biografija – Professional CV
Dragan Vukmirović, PhD.
- Full Professor of University of Belgrade in the field of Statistics and E-business.
- Member of the Department of E-Business and the Laboratory for Statistics of Faculty of Organizational Science.
- Author or coauthor with more than a hundred of published scientific and research papers in the field of Statistics, E-business, Management, Big Data and Data Science.
- Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)
- Participated in designing and implementing a lot of projects, workshops and summer schools connected to these fields.
At the moment, as a consultant in the field of Big Data, Data Science and Statistics, he is the team leader/key expert for the Technical Assistance project for New Era for Statistics programme – Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) within the Undersecretariat of Treasury of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey and Data Science consultant into Tekijanka company .
Projekti (Projects)
- Technical Assistance for Programme for New Era for Statistics, EuropeAid/139011/IH/SER/TR, Turkey. Period: March, 2019 – Ongoing, Position: Team Leader/Key expert
- Impelementacija koncepta inteligentnog preduzeća – kompanija Tekijanka, Period: Septembar 2019 do sada. Pozicija: Data Science konsultant (The implementation of the intelligent enterprise concept into Tekijanka company, Period: September, 2019 – Ongoing, Position: Data Science consultant)
- IPA 2013 project “Support to the Improvement of Statistical Information System” – Albania, EuropeAid/136334/IH/SER/AL Service contract no. CRIS) AL/IPA2013/03, implemented by Ascenta and IN2, Period: June, 2016 – September, 2018, Position: Team Leader/Key expert
- IPA 2012 Multi-beneficiary Statistical CO-operation Programme – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: European Commission; Period: January, 2014 – November, 2015 (Further integration of SORS into the European Statistical System by strengthening the SORS and its coordinating role in the statistical system of Republic of Serbia)
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 5 (MICS 5) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: UNICEF; Period: July, 2013 – December, 2014 (Filling data gaps for monitoring human development in general and the situation of children and women in particular)
- Business and Consumer Surveys – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: European Commission, Directorate General Economic and Financial affairs; Period: May, 2013 – April, 2015 (Contribution to the development of business tendency and consumer surveys in Serbia and collection of essential information for economic surveillance, short-term forecasting and economic research)
- Economic impact of Social Enterprises (EISE) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate General; Period: May, 2013 – July, 2014 (Collection of reliable, systematized and comparable data on the economic impact of social enterprises in Serbian economy, in the conceptual framework of national accounts, according to adopted international standards)
- Serbia Survey on Income and Living Conditions (Serbia SILC) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: European Commission (World Bank – administrator of funds); Period: January, 2013 – January, 2015 (Monitoring poverty, social exclusion, inequality and standard of living in general)
- Business tendency and Consumer Surveys – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency; Period: December, 2012 – April, 2014 (Obtaining qualitative information on current business situation and forecast of short-term developments in business operations of economic agents)
- IPA 2011 Multi-beneficiary Statistical CO-operation Programme – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: European Commission, Directorate A; Period: September, 2012 -September, 2014 Ongoing (Further integration of SORS into the European Statistical System by strengthening the SORS and its coordinating role in the statistical system of Republic of Serbia)
- Managing Migration and its Effects in SEE – Transnational Actions Towards Evidence Based Strategies (SEEMIG) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: ERDF + IPA contribution; Period: June, 2012 – November, 2014 Ongoing (Better understand and address the longer term migratory, human capital and demographic processes of the SEE area. The leading partner is Hungarian Central Statistical Office.)
- Survey on security and crime against businesses in countries/territories of Western Balkans – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); Period: June, 2012 – April, 2013 (Collecting evidences on forms of corruption affecting businesses; Providing benchmark indicators that can be used to inform relevant polices and track future progress.)
- Making Migration Work for Development – Policy tools for strategic planning in SEE regions and cities (MMWD) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: ERDF + IPA contribution; Period: May, 2012 – October, 2014 Ongoing (Enhance the capacity of public administrations to anticipate and strategically manage the future implications of current demographic change. The leading partner is Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy.)
- IPA 2011 Direct Grant for the Alignment with the European Statistical System (ESS) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: European Commission; Period: September, 2011 -September, 2014 Ongoing (Alignment of the national statistical system with the European Statistical System (ESS). The Action consists in the carrying out of three processes: Population Census, Agriculture Census, National Accounts Surveys.)
- IPA 2009 Multi-beneficiary Statistical CO-operation Programme – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: European Commission, Directorate D; Period: December, 2010 – December, 2012 (Further integration of SORS into the European Statistical System by strengthening the SORS and its coordinating role in the statistical system of Republic of Serbia)
- Business tendency and Consumer Surveys in the Republic of Serbia – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency; Period: November, 2010 – March, 2012 (Obtaining qualitative information on current business situation and to forecast short-term developments in business operations of economic agents)
- Survey of internally displaced persons in needs – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: UNHCR; Period: October, 2010 – January, 2011 (Gathering of basic quantifiable and measurable data on the needs of vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDPs))
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 4 (MICS 4) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: UNICEF; Period: June, 2010 – May, 2011 (Filling data gaps for monitoring human development in general and the situation of children and women in particular)
- Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) 2007, – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: World Bank, Period: 2007-2008
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 3 (MICS 3) – Position: Project Director; Company: SORS; Donor: UNICEF; Period: November, 2005 – June, 2006